Ferrosilicon Magnesium 6R

FeSi Mg 6R

Libramag 6R (Ferrosilicon Magnesium) is an ferrosilicon alloy with around 6,0% content of metallic magnesium. This product can be supplied in two versions: with or without rare earths (Re). It is useful to manufacture nodular cast iron especially when the content of sulphur is high. This alloy has a size fragmentation rigorously controlled which guarantees efficiency in its uses. However, it can be supplied in various granulations to suit the clients needs.

Ferrosilicon Magnesium 9R

FeSi Mg 9R

Libramag 9R (Ferrosilicon Magnesium) is an ferrosilicon alloy with around 9,0% content of metallic magnesium. This product can be supplied in two versions: with or without rare earths (Re). It is useful to manufacture nodular cast iron when the base metal is available free of sulphur. This alloy has a granulation rigorously controlled that guarantees efficiency in its use. However, it can be supplied in various granulations to suit the clients needs.

FeSi Sr1 / FeSi Sr2

FeSi Sr

FeSi Sr 1 is a ferrosilicon alloy with ultra-low contents of calcium and aluminum and a high percentage of Strontium. Its principal application is in the production of grey cast iron, when searching for reduction in chilling, without altering the structure.

FeSi Sr 2 – Indicated when Strontium addition is needed. However, a limitation of Silicon content has to be observed in the cast.